Cindy’s Story of Weight-loss and struggle with self-image as an overweight dancer

If you landed on this page you know me as a fitness coach, weight loss and sports nutrition specialist, and someone who is studying sports psychology.

I am that and so much more. Following my artistic calling I have been working as a professional dancer and actress for the last 20 years. I have had quite an international life, living and working in many countries (London, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid, NYC, Jamaica, LA, etc.). And somehow for unknown reasons, the Universe brought me back to Belgium, at least for now.

What lead me to fitness? Me that had always been a dancer who was technically talented, but who lived in my head, flying across the lands of creativity, and way less interested in the athletic aspects of it all.

People saw me smiling, a successful artist, who lived in many different countries. Yet, they didn’t know that I suffered in silence. From my early 30’s my body was out of control, I had put on a huge amount of weight and my energy levels were so low that I lost my passion for dance…

I tried everything under the sun to loose weight, or at least not gain any more weight. I was desperate. Doctors had no answers. Back then I ate little, I was a vegetarian living in a Buddhist Centre and was never to be seen in any fast food place.

How was I able to loose over 20kg? How am I keeping the weight off? What was my journey from shaky push ups to effortless chin-ups today?

Well that’s exactly what I am sharing when I coach my clients!!!! Today I am my own success story!!! And I am here to share all the keys to success so you can get reach your goals quicker than I did. Scientific principles grounded in mindfulness… the strategy is powerful, and gets you results!!

I am here to hold space for you and lead you towards that version of you that feels unstoppable! Whether you are here to find more energy, learn to fuel your body, loose weight, or get strong… I got you! And we are gonna walk the path with kindness and compassion. We will dance together through the challenges and sing when it is time to celebrate the small wins!


“Best Film”

“New Film Festival”

“Best Short”