
You can support Loud Whisper VZW’s work by:

Cindy Claes is taking the artistic lead of many of our projects at Loud Whisper VZW. As a theater director, filmmaker, choreographer and playwright, she has been able to raise between 10.000 and 40.000 euros for each of her projects, over and over again. She also championed successful crowdfunding campaigns to accomplish a very personal research project. Facing a pile of admin where she was not ticking any boxes and did not meet any of the requirements, she decided to go for crowdfunding campaigns, which ended up being beyond successful! Having all of these experiences under her belt, she helped and empowered many independent artists do the same!

Understand the basics of a crowdfunding campaign – Set up a clear strategy in line with your personality and brand – How to make it fun and keep it fun while asking for financial support – Set aside an hour or two to go through the audio + video course:

Buy the course here

We aim to bring forward the athletic prowesses of athletic creatives, emphasise the work of female stunt and screen fighting specialists, and showcase the talent of multilingual actors based in Europe.

Donations will be used during the pre-production / production / post-production process.

At the moment we are in pre-production, so currently donations are going towards:

  1. The R&D process for all the stunt work
  2. Mentors for the writing of the script
  3. Host interviews for our podcast with specialists from the action movie industry

Click here to make a heartfelt donation