
“The Loud Whisper Takeover” Podcast is launching on 24/04/24

Ever heard your inner voice getting louder and louder, urging you towards a new path?
When our inner guidance starts to become so loud, we can no longer ignore it, and we MUST take action… This is often a time when life changes direction drastically. We are literally being called to take that leap of faith, start a new business, change career, leave a relationship, embrace our wildest dreams, shift gear, and grow exponentially.

Let’s dive into the art of listening courageously to our inner compass. Because every one of us is destined to live a grand story and adventure while walking on planet Earth! 

In this podcast we are interviewing artists, athletes and entrepreneurs.  We will hear about the epic stories of actors, filmmakers, Krav Maga teachers and creative leaders in the world of  business. 

Headphones on, notebooks out, and buckle up! Hosted by Cindy Claes

You can support the podcast with a one-off donation or by becoming a member, by clicking on “Buy me a coffee”.

Would you like to SPONSOR one of our episodes?

We are a non-profit organisation, and we know this podcast is bringing a lot of value to our listeners!! With your help, we can cover some of the production and distributions costs and we will use our platform to celebrate your brand!

Let’s have a chat to see if your mission, services or product align with our higher purpose, and we can’t wait to shout out your name from the top of our lungs! Please email us loudwhispervzw@gmail.com

Our host Cindy Claes is an Action Actress, Public Speaker, Film / Dance / Theater maker, and Athletic Creative and a Movement Director who has more than dipped her toes in the worlds of dance, martial arts, Krav Maga, Animal Flow and weightlifting!

In other words, she is one of a kind, with international experience, focussing on building bridges between cultures, countries, social classes, and multi-lingual environments!

Contact her directly by emailing cindy.claes@gmail.com

We are Loud Whisper VZW, a non-profit organisation, invested in making the dreams of upcoming filmmakers a reality.

Your donations help us empower voices and stories that need to be heard. We are currently working on two projects:

  • Distribution of a 10min short sci-fi
  • Making of a short “action” film